Prophecy based on the Past
(Ecclesiastes 1:9) nothing new under the sun
Matthew 24:2 Three questions were asked 1. What happens next or when; 2. Sign of Your coming (beginning of the end of the age); 3. The end of the world (165-age).
Over the next 40 years all these, in question one, came to pass and will come to pass again. #2 The sign of His coming is verse 29-31; also Isaiah 13:9-10; Habakkuk 3:4-6; Revelation 6:12-17; 14:14-15; Isaiah 57:1; Psalm 12:1; Micah 7:2a; I Thessalonians 4:16-17; I Corinthians 15:51-54;
The dead in Messiah rising has already occurred in Matthew 27:52-53; 28:2 After His resurrection 3 ½ days later they rose. The graves were open by an earthquake at Messiah’s death on the cross. The dead did not rise until ½ day after His resurrection when again an earthquake and the angel rolled the stone away. Yahushua had already risen 6pm Saturday evening. He was only in the grave 72 hrs/ 3days. He was buried on Wednesday evening at 6pm
This pattern of events will be repeated, the earthquake, dead rising, people will be afraid, and see it, 3 ½ days (Revelation 11:11 Mid-trib) and pre-trib) Both the mid-tribulation catching away and the event in Matthew 27& 28 are the same. I boldly make the assumption that the pre-tribulation rapture will have the same elements.
(Habakkuk 3:4{rays coming out of His hand}). This will cause a physical earthquake of tremendous proportions and worldwide devastation. The power of the US Government will shift in one hour to Europe. The pre-tribulation rapture will have occurred, many Christians who thought they were going will be left behind because of iniquity. (see: I know you not hence ye are). That is the sign that Israel is looking for, the second question asked in Matthew 24:2. The beginning of the Day of Yahuweh the last seven years of the age, not the world, the world is without end.
There is a lot of other scripture that goes into greater detail of this
time, which has been discussed in other papers.
Father open our eyes to the truth hidden in your word, we can know the time of the sign but not our return with Your Son. Your word is eternal. Reveal the truth to Your people. Let us not sleep but repent and be cleansed of all iniquity, that we may be in Your Holy Presence. Heeding the warnings of Yahushua to the churches.
Halle lu YAH